Key Value Store functions and objects ===================================== These are all the functions, objects and methods related to the CDB and LMDB key value stores. A lookup into a key value store can be done via the :func:`KeyValueStoreLookupRule` rule or the :func:`KeyValueStoreLookupAction` action, using the usual selectors to match the incoming queries for which the lookup should be done. The first step is to get a :class:`KeyValueStore` object via one of the following functions: * :func:`newCDBKVStore` for a CDB database ; * :func:`newLMDBKVStore` for a LMDB one. Then the key used for the lookup can be selected via one of the following functions: * the exact qname with :func:`KeyValueLookupKeyQName` ; * a suffix match via :func:`KeyValueLookupKeySuffix`, meaning that several lookups will be done, removing one label from the qname at a time, until a match has been found or there is no label left ; * the source IP, in network byte order, with :func:`KeyValueLookupKeySourceIP` ; * the value of an existing tag with :func:`KeyValueLookupKeyTag`. For example, to do a suffix-based lookup into a LMDB KVS database, the following rule can be used: .. code-block:: lua > kvs = newLMDBKVStore('/path/to/lmdb/database', 'database name') > addAction(AllRule(), KeyValueStoreLookupAction(kvs, KeyValueLookupKeySuffix(), 'kvs-suffix-result')) For a query whose qname is "", and for which only the "\\8powerdns\\3com\\0" key exists in the database, this would result in the following lookups: * \\3sub\\6domain\\8powerdns\\3com\\0 * \\6domain\\8powerdns\\3com\\0 * \\8powerdns\\3com\\0 Then a match is found for the last key, and the corresponding value is stored into the 'kvs-suffix-result' tag. This tag can now be used in subsequent rules to take an action based on the result of the lookup. Note that the tag is also created when the key has not been found, but the content of the tag is empty. .. code-block:: lua > addAction(TagRule('kvs-suffix-result', 'this is the value obtained from the lookup'), SpoofAction('2001:db8::1')) If the value found in the LMDB database for the key '\\8powerdns\\3com\\0' was 'this is the value obtained from the lookup', then the query is immediately answered with a AAAA record. .. class:: KeyValueStore .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 Represents a Key Value Store .. method:: KeyValueStore:lookup(key [, wireFormat]) Does a lookup into the corresponding key value store, and return the result as a string. The key can be a :class:`ComboAddress` obtained via the :func:`newCA`, a :class:`DNSName` obtained via the :func:`newDNSName` function, or a raw string. :param ComboAddress, DNSName or string key: The key to look up :param bool wireFormat: If the key is DNSName, whether to use to do the lookup in wire format (default) or in plain text .. method:: KeyValueStore:lookupSuffix(key [, minLabels [, wireFormat]]) Does a suffix-based lookup into the corresponding key value store, and return the result as a string. The key should be a :class:`DNSName` object obtained via the :func:`newDNSName` function, and several lookups will be done, removing one label from the name at a time until a match has been found or there is no label left. If ``minLabels`` is set to a value larger than 0 the lookup will only be done as long as there is at least ``minLabels`` remaining. For example if the initial domain is "" and ``minLabels`` is set to 2, lookups will only be done for "" and "". :param DNSName key: The name to look up :param int minLabels: The minimum number of labels to do a lookup for. Default is 0 which means unlimited :param bool wireFormat: Whether to do the lookup in wire format (default) or in plain text .. method:: KeyValueStore:reload() Reload the database if this is supported by the underlying store. As of 1.4.0, only CDB stores can be reloaded, and this method is a no-op for LMDB stores. .. function:: KeyValueLookupKeyQName([wireFormat]) -> KeyValueLookupKey .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 Return a new KeyValueLookupKey object that, when passed to :func:`KeyValueStoreLookupAction` or :func:`KeyValueStoreLookupRule`, will return the qname of the query in DNS wire format. :param bool wireFormat: Whether to do the lookup in wire format (default) or in plain text .. function:: KeyValueLookupKeySourceIP([v4mask [, v6mask]]) -> KeyValueLookupKey .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0 Optional parameters ``v4mask`` and ``v6mask`` added. .. versionchanged:: 1.7.0 Optional parameter ``includePort`` added. Return a new KeyValueLookupKey object that, when passed to :func:`KeyValueStoreLookupAction` or :func:`KeyValueStoreLookupRule`, will return the source IP of the client in network byte-order. :param int v4mask: Mask applied to IPv4 addresses. Default is 32 (the whole address) :param int v6mask: Mask applied to IPv6 addresses. Default is 128 (the whole address) :param int includePort: Whether to append the port (in network byte-order) after the address. Default is false .. function:: KeyValueLookupKeySuffix([minLabels [, wireFormat]]) -> KeyValueLookupKey .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 Return a new KeyValueLookupKey object that, when passed to :func:`KeyValueStoreLookupAction` or :func:`KeyValueStoreLookupRule`, will return a vector of keys based on the labels of the qname in DNS wire format or plain text. For example if the qname is the following keys will be returned: * \\3sub\\6domain\\8powerdns\\3com\\0 * \\6domain\\8powerdns\\3com\\0 * \\8powerdns\\3com\\0 * \\3com\\0 * \\0 If ``minLabels`` is set to a value larger than 0 the lookup will only be done as long as there is at least ``minLabels`` remaining. Taking back our previous example, it means only the following keys will be returned if ``minLabels`` is set to 2; * \\3sub\\6domain\\8powerdns\\3com\\0 * \\6domain\\8powerdns\\3com\\0 * \\8powerdns\\3com\\0 :param int minLabels: The minimum number of labels to do a lookup for. Default is 0 which means unlimited :param bool wireFormat: Whether to do the lookup in wire format (default) or in plain text .. function:: KeyValueLookupKeyTag(tagName) -> KeyValueLookupKey .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 Return a new KeyValueLookupKey object that, when passed to :func:`KeyValueStoreLookupAction`, will return the value of the corresponding tag for this query, if it exists. :param str tagName: The name of the tag. .. function:: newCDBKVStore(filename, refreshDelay) -> KeyValueStore .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 Return a new KeyValueStore object associated to the corresponding CDB database. The modification time of the CDB file will be checked every 'refreshDelay' second and the database re-opened if needed. :param string filename: The path to an existing CDB database :param int refreshDelays: The delay in seconds between two checks of the database modification time. 0 means disabled .. function:: newLMDBKVStore(filename, dbName [, noLock]) -> KeyValueStore .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 .. versionchanged:: 1.7.0 Added the optional parameter ``noLock``. Return a new KeyValueStore object associated to the corresponding LMDB database. The database must have been created with the ``MDB_NOSUBDIR`` flag. Since 1.7.0, the database is opened with the ``MDB_READONLY`` flag, and optionally with ``MDB_NOLOCK`` if ``noLock`` is set to true. :param string filename: The path to an existing LMDB database created with ``MDB_NOSUBDIR`` :param string dbName: The name of the database to use :param bool noLock: Whether to open the database with the ``MDB_NOLOCK`` flag. Default is false