Protobuf Logging Reference ========================== .. function:: newRemoteLogger(address [, timeout=2[, maxQueuedEntries=100[, reconnectWaitTime=1]]]) Create a Remote Logger object, to use with :func:`RemoteLogAction` and :func:`RemoteLogResponseAction`. :param string address: An IP:PORT combination where the logger is listening :param int timeout: TCP connect timeout in seconds :param int maxQueuedEntries: Queue this many messages before dropping new ones (e.g. when the remote listener closes the connection) :param int reconnectWaitTime: Time in seconds between reconnection attempts .. class:: DNSDistProtoBufMessage This object represents a single protobuf message as emitted by :program:`dnsdist`. .. method:: DNSDistProtoBufMessage:addResponseRR(name, type, class, ttl, blob) Add a response RR to the protobuf message. :param string name: The RR name. :param int type: The RR type. :param int class: The RR class. :param int ttl: The RR TTL. :param string blob: The RR binary content. .. method:: DNSDistProtoBufMessage:setBytes(bytes) Set the size of the query :param int bytes: Number of bytes in the query. .. method:: DNSDistProtoBufMessage:setEDNSSubnet(netmask) Set the EDNS Subnet to ``netmask``. :param string netmask: The netmask to set to. .. method:: DNSDistProtoBufMessage:setQueryTime(sec, usec) In a response message, set the time at which the query has been received. :param int sec: Unix timestamp when the query was received. :param int usec: The microsecond the query was received. .. method:: DNSDistProtoBufMessage:setQuestion(name, qtype, qclass) Set the question in the protobuf message. :param DNSName name: The qname of the question :param int qtype: The qtype of the question :param int qclass: The qclass of the question .. method:: DNSDistProtoBufMessage:setProtobufResponseType(sec, usec) Change the protobuf response type from a query to a response, and optionally set the query time. :param int sec: Optional query time in seconds. :param int usec: Optional query time in additional micro-seconds. .. method:: DNSDistProtoBufMessage:setRequestor(address [, port]) .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0 ``port`` optional parameter added. Set the requestor's address. :param ComboAddress address: The address to set to :param int port: The requestor source port .. method:: DNSDistProtoBufMessage:setRequestorFromString(address [, port]) .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0 ``port`` optional parameter added. Set the requestor's address from a string. :param string address: The address to set to :param int port: The requestor source port .. method:: DNSDistProtoBufMessage:setResponder(address [, port]) .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0 ``port`` optional parameter added. Set the responder's address. :param ComboAddress address: The address to set to :param int port: The responder port .. method:: DNSDistProtoBufMessage:setResponderFromString(address [, port]) .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0 ``port`` optional parameter added. Set the responder's address. :param string address: The address to set to :param int port: The responder port .. method:: DNSDistProtoBufMessage:setResponseCode(rcode) Set the response code of the query. :param int rcode: The response code of the answer .. method:: DNSDistProtoBufMessage:setServerIdentity(id) Set the server identify field. :param string id: The server ID .. method:: DNSDistProtoBufMessage:setTag(value) Add a tag to the list of tags. :param string value: The tag value .. method:: DNSDistProtoBufMessage:setTagArray(valueList) Add a list of tags. :param table tags: A list of tags as strings .. method:: DNSDistProtoBufMessage:setTime(sec, usec) Set the time at which the query or response has been received. :param int sec: Unix timestamp when the query was received. :param int usec: The microsecond the query was received. .. method:: DNSDistProtoBufMessage:toDebugString() -> string Return an string containing the content of the message