

Since version 1.3.0, dnsdist supports DNS-over-TLS for incoming queries. To see if the installation supports this, run dnsdist --version. If the output shows dns-over-tls with one or more SSL libraries in brackets, DNS-over-TLS is supported.

Adding a listen port for DNS-over-TLS can be done with the addTLSLocal() function, e.g.:

addTLSLocal('', '/etc/ssl/certs/example.com.pem', '/etc/ssl/private/example.com.key')

This will make dnsdist listen on on TCP, and will use the provided certificate and key to serve incoming TLS connections.

In order to support multiple certificates and keys, for example an ECDSA and an RSA one, the following syntax may be used instead:

addTLSLocal('', {'/etc/ssl/certs/example.com.rsa.pem', '/etc/ssl/certs/example.com.ecdsa.pem'}, {'/etc/ssl/private/example.com.rsa.key', '/etc/ssl/private/example.com.ecdsa.key'})
  - listen_address: ""
    protocol: "DoT"
        - certificate: "/etc/ssl/certs/example.com.rsa.pem"
          key: "/etc/ssl/private/example.com.rsa.key"
        - certificate: "/etc/ssl/certs/example.com.ecdsa.pem"
          key: "/etc/ssl/private/example.com.ecdsa.key"

The certificate chain presented by the server to an incoming client will then be selected based on the algorithms this client advertised support for.

A particular attention should be taken to the permissions of the certificate and key files. Many ACME clients used to get and renew certificates, like CertBot, set permissions assuming that services are started as root, which is no longer true for dnsdist as of 1.5.0. For that particular case, making a copy of the necessary files in the /etc/dnsdist directory is advised, using for example CertBot’s --deploy-hook feature to copy the files with the right permissions after a renewal.

More information about sessions management can also be found in TLS Sessions Management.


Support for securing the exchanges between dnsdist and the backend will be implemented in 1.7.0, and will lead to all queries, regardless of whether they were initially received by dnsdist over UDP, TCP, DoT or DoH, being forwarded over a secure DNS over TLS channel. That support can be enabled via the tls parameter of the newServer() command. Additional parameters control the validation of the certificate presented by the backend (caStore, validateCertificates), the actual TLS ciphers used (ciphers, ciphersTLS13) and the SNI value sent (subjectName).

newServer({address="[2001:DB8::1]:853", tls="openssl", subjectName="dot.powerdns.com", validateCertificates=true})

Investigating issues

dnsdist provides a lot of counters to investigate issues: