Loadbalancing and Server Policies

dnsdist selects the server (if there are multiple eligible) to send queries to based on the configured policy. Only servers that are marked as ‘up’, either forced so by the administrator or as the result of the last health check, might be selected.

Built-in Policies


The default load balancing policy is called leastOutstanding, which means the server with the least queries ‘in the air’ is picked. The exact selection algorithm is:

  • pick the server with the least queries ‘in the air’ ;
  • in case of a tie, pick the one with the lowest configured ‘order’ ;
  • in case of a tie, pick the one with the lowest measured latency (over an average on the last 128 queries answered by that server).


The firstAvailable policy, picks the first available server that has not exceeded its QPS limit, ordered by increasing ‘order’. If all servers are above their QPS limit, a server is selected based on the leastOutstanding policy. For now this is the only policy using the QPS limit.


A further policy, wrandom assigns queries randomly, but based on the weight parameter passed to newServer().

For example, if two servers are available, the first one with a weight of 2 and the second one with a weight of 1 (the default), the first one should get two-thirds of the incoming queries and the second one the remaining third.

Since 1.5.0, a bounded-load version is also supported, trying to prevent one server from receiving much more queries than intended, even if the distribution of queries is not perfect. This “weighted random with bounded loads” algorithm is enabled by setting setWeightedBalancingFactor() to a value other than 0, which is the default. This value is the maximum number of outstanding queries that a given server can have at a given time, as a ratio of the total number of outstanding queries for all the active servers in the pool, pondered by the weight of the server.

The algorithm will try to select a server randomly, as is done when no bounded-load is set, but will disqualify all servers that have more outstanding queries than intended times the factor, until a suitable server is found. The higher the factor, the more imbalance between the servers is allowed.

For example, if we have two servers, with respective weights of 1 and 4, we expect the first server to get a fifth of the queries, and the second one 4/5. As the random distribution is not perfect, some server might get more queries than expected. Setting setWeightedBalancingFactor() to 1.1 limits the imbalance between the ratio of outstanding queries actually handled by a server and the expected number, so in this example the first server would not be allowed to handle more than 1.1/5 of all the outstanding queries at a given time.


whashed is a similar weighted policy, but assigns questions with identical hash to identical servers, allowing for better cache concentration (‘sticky queries’). The current hash algorithm is based on the qname of the query.


Set the hash perturbation value to be used in the whashed policy instead of a random one, allowing to have consistent whashed results on different instances.

Since 1.5.0, a bounded-load version is also supported, trying to prevent one server from receiving much more queries than intended, even if the distribution of queries is not perfect. This “weighted hashing with bounded loads” algorithm is enabled by setting setWeightedBalancingFactor() to a value other than 0, which is the default. This value is the maximum number of outstanding queries that a given server can have at a given time, as a ratio of the total number of outstanding queries for all the active servers in the pool, pondered by the weight of the server.

The algorithm will try to select a server based on the hash of the qname, as is done when no bounded-load is set, but will disqualify all servers that have more outstanding queries than intended times the factor, until a suitable server is found. The higher the factor, the more imbalance between the servers is allowed.

For example, if we have two servers, with respective weights of 1 and 4, we expect the first server to get a fifth of the queries, and the second one 4/5. If the qname of the queries are not perfectly distributed, some server might get more queries than expected. Setting setWeightedBalancingFactor() to 1.1 limits the imbalance between the ratio of outstanding queries actually handled by a server and the expected number, so in this example the first server would not be allowed to handle more than 1.1/5 of all the outstanding queries at a given time.


chashed is a consistent hashing distribution policy. Identical questions with identical hashes will be distributed to the same servers. But unlike the whashed policy, this distribution will keep consistent over time. Adding or removing servers will only remap a small part of the queries.

Increasing the weight of servers to a value larger than the default is required to get a good distribution of queries. Small values like 100 or 1000 should be enough to get a correct distribution. This is a side-effect of the internal implementation of the consistent hashing algorithm, which assigns as many points on a circle to a server than its weight, and distributes a query to the server who has the closest point on the circle from the hash of the query’s qname. Therefore having very few points, as is the case with the default weight of 1, leads to a poor distribution of queries.

You can also set the hash perturbation value, see setWHashedPertubation(). To achieve consistent distribution over dnsdist restarts, you will also need to explicitly set the backend’s UUIDs with the id option of newServer(). You can get the current UUIDs of your backends by calling showServers() with the showUUIDs=true option.

Since 1.5.0, a bounded-load version is also supported, preventing one server from receiving much more queries than intended, even if the distribution of queries is not perfect. This “consistent hashing with bounded loads” algorithm is enabled by setting setConsistentHashingBalancingFactor() to a value other than 0, which is the default. This value is the maximum number of outstanding queries that a given server can have at a given time, as a ratio of the total number of outstanding queries for all the active servers in the pool, pondered by the weight of the server.

The algorithm will try to select a server based on the hash of the qname, as is done when no bounded-load is set, but will disqualify all servers that have more outstanding queries than intended times the factor, until a suitable server is found. The higher the factor, the more imbalance between the servers is allowed.

For example, if we have two servers, with respective weights of 1 and 4, we expect the first server to get a fifth of the queries, and the second one 4/5. If the qname of the queries are not perfectly distributed, some server might get more queries than expected. Setting setConsistentHashingBalancingFactor() to 1.1 limits the imbalance between the ratio of outstanding queries actually handled by a server and the expected number, so in this example the first server would not be allowed to handle more than 1.1/5 of all the outstanding queries at a given time.


The last available policy is roundrobin, which indiscriminately sends each query to the next server that is up. If all servers are down, the policy will still select one server by default. Setting setRoundRobinFailOnNoServer() to true will change this behavior.

Lua server policies

If you don’t like the default policies you can create your own, like this for example:

function luaroundrobin(servers, dq)
     return servers[1+(counter % #servers)]

setServerPolicyLua("luaroundrobin", luaroundrobin)

Incidentally, this is similar to setting: setServerPolicy(roundrobin) which uses the C++ based roundrobin policy.


newServer({address="", pool="numbered"})

function splitSetup(servers, dq)
  if(string.match(dq.qname:toString(), "%d"))
    print("numbered pool")
    return leastOutstanding.policy(getPoolServers("numbered"), dq)
    print("standard pool")
    return leastOutstanding.policy(servers, dq)

setServerPolicyLua("splitsetup", splitSetup)

A faster, FFI version is also available since 1.5.0:

local ffi = require("ffi")
local C = ffi.C

local counter = 0
function luaffiroundrobin(servers_list, dq)
  counter = counter + 1
  return (counter % tonumber(C.dnsdist_ffi_servers_list_get_count(servers_list)))
setServerPolicyLuaFFI("luaffiroundrobin", luaffiroundrobin)

Note that this version returns the index (starting at 0) of the server to select, instead of returning the server itself. It was initially not possible to indicate that all servers were unavailable from these policies, but since 1.9.2 returning a value equal or greater than the number of servers will be interpreted as such.

For performance reasons, 1.6.0 introduced per-thread Lua FFI policies that are run in a lock-free per-thread Lua context instead of the global one. This reduces contention between threads at the cost of preventing sharing data between threads for these policies. Since the policy needs to be recompiled in the context of each thread instead of the global one, Lua code that returns a function should be passed to the function as a string instead of directly passing the name of a function:

setServerPolicyLuaFFIPerThread("luaffiroundrobin", [[
  local ffi = require("ffi")
  local C = ffi.C

  local counter = 0
  return function(servers_list, dq)
    counter = counter + 1
    return (counter % tonumber(C.dnsdist_ffi_servers_list_get_count(servers_list)))

Note that this version, like the one above, returns the index (starting at 0) of the server to select. It was initially not possible to indicate that all servers were unavailable from these policies, but since 1.9.2 returning a value equal or greater than the number of servers will be interpreted as such.

ServerPolicy Objects

class ServerPolicy

This represents a server policy. The built-in policies are of this type

ServerPolicy.policy(servers, dq) → Server

Run the policy to receive the server it has selected.


For policies implemented using the Lua FFI interface, the policy function itself.


Whether a Lua-based policy is implemented using the FFI interface.


Whether this policy is a native (C++) policy or a Lua-based one.


Whether a FFI Lua-based policy is executed in a lock-free per-thread context instead of running in the global Lua context.


The name of the policy.


The policy function itself, except for FFI policies.


Return a textual representation of the policy.


newServerPolicy(name, function) → ServerPolicy

Create a policy object from a Lua function. function must match the prototype for ServerPolicy.policy().

  • name (string) – Name of the policy
  • function (string) – The function to call for this policy

Set the maximum imbalance between the number of outstanding queries intended for a given server, based on its weight, and the actual number, when using the chashed consistent hashing load-balancing policy. Default is 0, which disables the bounded-load algorithm.


Set server selection policy to policy.

Parameters:policy (ServerPolicy) – The policy to use
setServerPolicyLua(name, function)

Set server selection policy to one named name and provided by function.

  • name (string) – name for this policy
  • function (string) – name of the function
setServerPolicyLuaFFI(name, function)

New in version 1.5.0.

Changed in version 1.9.2: Returning a value equal or greater than the number of servers will be interpreted as all servers being unavailable.

Set server selection policy to one named name and provided by the FFI function function.

  • name (string) – name for this policy
  • function (string) – name of the FFI function
setServerPolicyLuaFFIPerThread(name, code)

New in version 1.6.0.

Changed in version 1.9.2: Returning a value equal or greater than the number of servers will be interpreted as all servers being unavailable.

Set server selection policy to one named name and the Lua FFI function returned by the Lua code passed in code. The resulting policy will be executed in a lock-free per-thread context, instead of running in the global Lua context.

  • name (string) – name for this policy
  • code (string) – Lua FFI code returning the function to execute as a server selection policy

If set, return a ServFail when no servers are available, instead of the default behaviour of dropping the query.

Parameters:value (bool) – whether to return a servfail instead of dropping the query
setPoolServerPolicy(policy, pool)

Set the server selection policy for pool to policy.

  • policy (ServerPolicy) – The policy to apply
  • pool (string) – Name of the pool
setPoolServerPolicyLua(name, function, pool)

Set the server selection policy for pool to one named name and provided by function.

  • name (string) – name for this policy
  • function (string) – name of the function
  • pool (string) – Name of the pool

New in version 1.4.0.

By default the roundrobin load-balancing policy will still try to select a backend even if all backends are currently down. Setting this to true will make the policy fail and return that no server is available instead.

Parameters:value (bool) – whether to fail when all servers are down

Set the maximum imbalance between the number of outstanding queries intended for a given server, based on its weight, and the actual number, when using the whashed or wrandom load-balancing policy. Default is 0, which disables the bounded-load algorithm.


Print server selection policy for pool.

Parameters:pool (string) – The pool to print the policy for